Welcome to "Ms. Kari" Broughton's classroom blog! This is used to communicate with families of children in Ms. Kari's
AM and PM preschool classes at the Jessamine County Early Learning Village in Nicholasville, Ky.

Monday, March 27, 2017

OOPS! I forgot...

I apologize for this information not being in the newsletter. This is about 2 things that will be in your child's folder tomorrow!

1. A parent observation form that I need filled out and returned. (Please note, if you do not receive one that means I do not need one from you)

2. A permission slip for our in school field trip. In May we will have Cut and Paste come visit to teach us how to paint and allow us to paint a treasure box. Please sign and return, with payment, by Friday April 14th.

NEWS: 3/28-3/31