Welcome to "Ms. Kari" Broughton's classroom blog! This is used to communicate with families of children in Ms. Kari's
AM and PM preschool classes at the Jessamine County Early Learning Village in Nicholasville, Ky.

Monday, November 23, 2015

Ideas for break!

-Work on Lexia! (If your child didn't get Lexia information yet, Starfall.com is another great resource for early reading skills)
-Practice writing your name (parent can write with light colored marker or pencil for their child to trace or can write it for them to use as a model.
-Draw a picture and have them talk about what they drew
-Let them help you in wrapping holiday gifts by cutting the wrapping paper, or using the scraps to cut simple shapes.
-Let them help you sort the laundry
-Let them help you wash the dishes
-Let them help you cook (the parts that are safe for them)
-Build letters with their toys
-Go on a letter hunt around the house to find all the letters in their name
-Read a book together every night before bedtime